Album Cover

Album Cover


Sunday, July 19, 2009



20th July-4th September

Monday, July 13, 2009

Lipsynching task...

Here is what Holly and I did as our lipsynching task. We wanted to do something fun and with tonnes of passion and soul. We also wanted to do a song that we both knew and loved and so we decided upon 'Somebody Else's Guy' By Jocelyn Brown which is both funky and soulful. We both knew the words pretty much all the way through so that wasn't a problem so as soon as we had some free time we filmed it.

Firstly we filmed the whole song one me, then on Holly, and then we wanted a shot where you should see both of us and we could do a routine so we put the camera on a shelf and shot it from there. We knew that it looked more realistic is you actually sing along to the track, because your mouth moves how it would if you were actually singing it rather than mouthing. When we watched back our unedited footage it synched really easily to the music because of this. It didn't take very long to edit because of the simplicity of the camera work (only have essentially 3 shots) and because this was only a task to show how well we could lipsynch and not how well we could edit a fabulous music video.

After editing and watching back the final video I really liked the outcome. However there are things i would've changed. I would've liked to have to have experimented more with the camera work because the way it was edited it looks static most of the time, when in fact we we both moving around each other. Also more close-ups to really show off the lipsynching would've been better for the task

Overall I had a brill time and its just given me even more of a taster to what our real project will be like...and I can't wait!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Music Videos for cheap

They don't always have to cost millions to look good and essentially sell the song.
Daniel Bedingfields song 'Gotta get thru this' which cost him only £20 by using his friends video camera and editing software.
Here's the final version.

By jazzing up the editing style to fit the funky house/electro beat it make it effective and easy to watch. The editing is cut the to song and illistrates the music. The images reflect the lyrics to an extent that he looks upset about a relationship.
When he tried to 'Make it big' in America he made another version to seem more glossy and professional. Here's the 2nd version:

However this video still looks good and serves it's purpose well. And for 20 quid i don't think it's half bad!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Workshop Day-Teenage Dirtbag

1. What do you think you learnt from Friday's workshop? It could be specific things about making a music video OR general things about the production process.

Friday's workshop provided insight into how a music video would work and how to shoot it, and how the day would run-but still was a lot of fun! It's very important that everything runs smoothly in order to get everything filmed in time. So punctuality is very important and you must be on you best behaviour. Also it taught me to just get on with it even if you don't want to (which often often waiting around for an hour or two you didn't really want to...) Organisation before hand is key as this shoot emphasised. Actors, props and locations all had to be sorted out and booked in advance so that on the day there was no fuss of confusion. Location in this instant could have been potentially problematic what with filming in a school, and lots of people needing to get past at 40 minute intervals. However because we had arranged it with heads of departments we were able to seal off a small section of the school and so were left relatively undisturbed. I also learnt to improvise when in difficult situations. For example a wheelchair was used to weave in and out of the band as we did not have enough curved track, so I guess you can say the shoot has taught me how to be creative, as well as with how i used the camera (e.g. with different filters or gels, or varying the angle.)

2. For you, what was the best bit?

Sitting in the green room watching the monitor. It made the whole experience seem so professional and meant that even while you weren't doing anything you could still be involved giving feedback (it also meant you didn't have to wait until you'd uploaded it to see some actual footage). Also with Jake giving constant feedback, watching the footage helped you understand why each shot was wrong or why he needed to re-take.

3. How do you think the work we have done will impact on your group project?

It will probably have the biggest effect on our organisation skills because knowing how hectic that day was WITH all the planning we'd be foolish, suicidal almost, to go into such a drastic thing unprepared....